Sunday, September 16, 2012


The environment is being hurt due to the actions of man. We cause Carbon Monoxide and Dioxide pollution by consuming energy made from coal; cutting more trees also contributes to our air pollution as we use products, such as paper or lumber for the home, made out of trees. Deforestation allows tons of carbon poisons to enter the atmosphere and accumulate into large masses. We use up items obtained from markets that when used eventually end up in landfills and littering plastic from wrappers of candy or food also cause water pollution and land pollution. Coal sludge floods from mining can flow into rivers and ponds just make our planet nastier than it was before; killing both animals and betters ways to live. The more we consume, the more we pollute our environment, the more we reduce our chances of reversing this blasphemy. We continue to do what we can to help clean up after those who repeatedly ignore the warnings of environmentalist. Beach clean ups and recycling; our best is however not enough, we need to influence and think of ways to help invert our wrong doings and limit how much we consume. This inconvenience will become a part of our downfall and has taken effect already; time is still available and something can be done.

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